Sniders Blog

Out of over 300 applicants Snider Bros. Meats is ecstatic to announce that have been selected as America First Credit Union and Real Salt Lake’s Small Business Showcase Winner!
Our family business will be partnering with America First Credit Union and @realsaltlake for the 2024 season. We are proud to be chosen for this amazing opportunity with these two pillars of Utah’s culture and communities! We want to thank all-those involved with creating such a wonderful opportunity! We want to thank our Snider’s Customers and Friends without you we wouldn’t be here!
We would like to also recognize the 8 other outstanding finalists in this journey:
Schmidt Pastry Cottage, Ability Innovations, Dog Den, Preso Tea, Diamond Perfection, Chapters and Seasons, StayFitt Training, and Meraki Steel
Let’s go REAL!
40 comments on “Snider’s: Proud Partners of Real Salt Lake! Go RSL! Click for info.”
Love garlic burgers
Hello I wanted to see if I can still order prime rib bone in 8lbs
We are no longer taking orders, but you can pick on up as a walkin.
Can I order a 12-16 lb turkey for thanksgiving?
Hi Allison, give us a call at 801-272-6469 and we can take your order.
Why, Good Morning.
How much for a 12-16 LB Prebaked Turkey on Thangsgiving, please? Or would it be wiser to p/u the day b4, then reheat?
Thank You, Happy Holiday’s. 🙂
Hi Jonathan,
The 12- 16 lbs Turkeys are not cooked. They are $3.69 per lbs. The only cooked items we have are the Smoked Sweetheart Breast at $9.95 per lbs and the Honey Glazed Hams at $7.59 per lbs. Give us a call at 801-272-6469 and we can take your order.
Question on the Turduckens. Are these pre cooked or pre arranged for cooking at home? Do you give instructions if so? Never had one but we are thinking about it this year. Can you give me more details on sizes. Price, and cooking ?
Hi Scott! The Turduckens are amazing. We have the 7-9lbs and 10-12lbs range sizes. You choose between an Apple Almond and a Wild Rice dressing, each breast has a layer of stuffing in-between and jet netted together. They are not pre cooked. To cook you rub olive oil on the skin and your seasoning. Then bake at 350 degrees axp 2-4 hours. Tent with foil for the first bit and remove to brown for the last 30-40 mins. Pull out win the internal temperature is at least 165 degrees.
With regards to the Turducken’s Wild Rice Stuffing I have a guest who is very Gluten intolerant, the rice is fine, just wondering about the other stuffing ingredients.
It is not gluten free
Can I order turkey thighs from you?
That is something we do not take orders for. But Starting next week you can call us at 801-272-6469 and we can tell you if we have some turkey legs available or come in the week of thanksgiving and we should be able to get you some. You do have to purchase the whole leg quarter (thig and drum).
Hi, I was wondering if you could provide more detail on what the Kiel turkey breast is? In the past I have bought frozen turkey breasts from the grocery store that are on the rib cage with backbone, etc (basically the turkey without legs and thighs). Is that what this is?
That is indeed a kiel breast! It is a great option for small gatherings that don’t really care about the dark meat.
I ordered a turkey 20-24 and I have had some people cancel and would like to know if I can have a 16-20 deboned….with the $10.00 charge for deboning….
Still pick up Tuesday November 24 when you open….
Please let me know…
Thank you bj martin
Hi BJ,
We can do a change order for you. What is your phone number so we can find your order?
Have been calling for hours to order a 12-16 lb turkey. Cannot get through. Are your phone lines out of order ? Do I need to come in person to order ?
Hi Jane,
Did I just talk to you on the phone? If not I can get an order for you. Email us at [email protected]
Trying to order phones busy all day email doesn’t work
Hey Paul, we got your order. The email is [email protected]. We will look into the email see what is happening. Thanks for letting us know.
Do you sell casings for making sausage? We are getting ready to make 100lbs of Italian sausage and need casings.
WE do! They are the brats size and $0.50 a foot.
I was wondering if you have goose available at your shop. We’re thinking about trying one this Christmas and I’m looking at where to get one.
We do not have goose. Try Whole Foods.
Do you sell suckling pig, 20 lb?
The smallest we can get is about 50lbs. That is a special order and requires 1 – 2 weeks notice. Call us at 801-272-6469 for other questions.
Is it possible to order a rind on pork roast through your shop? Is this something you carry or can obtain for the holidays, thank you?
We were unable to get any of those in this year. Try contacting BELTEX meats.
I would like to pre order a boneless prime rib for 8. What do you suggest? To be picked up December 22nd.
Hi Carol, we do not take orders over the blog. Please call us at 801-272-6469 or email us at [email protected]. For 8 people I would due between 6-8 lbs.
Can I pre-order rouladen slices?
Hi Tracey,
That is something we do not take orders for but can do when you are in the shop. We do cut it from a frozen state, so you could pick it up this week and keep it frozen for christmas.
How big (# of lbs) is a 1/2 glazed ham? Is it already cooked? Do I need to pre-order it or can I come into the store. Thanks
Hi Brian, The 1/2 ham is about 8-9 lbs. All you have to do is reheat. You can call us at 801-272-6469 or email us at [email protected]
Is it too late to order a boneless (or boned, if that’s all you have) prime rib for four persons?
Hi Peggy,
Today is the last day for preorders. Call or email us at [email protected]
Do you have a 9-12lb leg of lamb?
We do. Please call or text 801-272-6469 to reserve one.