Sniders Blog

Cook of The Month Challenge
The Cook of The Month Challenge is a photo contest where the contestants cook with our products and submit the most mouthwatering picture and description of if they can! We will select one winner each month and present them with a prize and will Feature their cook on our blog/website for the next month!
This Month’s Winner
Congratulations to Micheal for winning the $50.00 Gift Certificate and the title of Cook of the Month!
Here is his pic of his ribs which he smoked using the 3-2-1 cook method. He seasoned them with some savory bbq spices! He also said that “The quality of these ribs though made the cook.”
To Enter
At the beginning of the month we will post on our blog and Facebook page a post where contestants can submit one entry within the first two weeks of each month. Participants can submit their entries by commenting on the post with both a picture of their cook and a brief description/recipe of it.
How we Pick the Winner
A winner will be voted on by some of our staff who will judge each entry based upon the mouthwatering quality of the picture and the description.
- You must Like our Facebook page to win
- Each entry must be submitted within the first two weeks of the competition.
- Each submission must use/feature our meat products.
- Each participant can only submit one entry per month/ per competition.
- Each entry must be cooked by the participant submitting the entry (teams are allowed). No stealing from Pinterest, Instagram, google, ect…..